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Terms of Membership Cancellation
I understand that upon resignation of my membership, I will pay any remaining account balance, and all account balances must be brought to zero. If I wish to return to the River Valley Club (RVC), I understand that a sign-up fee may be required. Early termination of my membership may result in a fee of up to 25% of the remaining dues on my original contract. In the event of a member relocation, a $50 fee will be charged. I understand that if there were any unused services such as personal training, Pilates, tennis lesson, swimming lessons or others, I am able to use them until one-year from the date of purchase of the individual item, but as a non-member I am required to pay a guest fee. I understand that this serves as a written notice for cancellation, and that this written notice must be received by the 20th of the previous month (i.e. if the resignation is to become effective on September 1, RVC must receive the written notice by August 20). The auto-pay of this agreement does not cease until cancellation is effective.