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Corporate Memberships

For Businesses Small & Large

Invigorate Your Workplace

Your staff will look great, feel great, and stay with you longer when you offer them RVC memberships. And your customers will appreciate the great service they receive from your happy team!

Learn more about the discounted rates available at the Club, and the private team-building events we offer, from playful pickleball matches to rock climbing challenges and yoga classes.

Click here to schedule an appointment with Member Services via email

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D'Perks Membership

Same Monthly Fee as Full or Discount Membership
$95 Initiation Fee

Dartmouth College & Dartmouth Health employees receive a discount on their Initiation Fee as a benefit through D'Perks. D'Perks members carry all the same rules and privileges as Full Club Memberships, including the $1500 Welcome Packet. Please provide your ID when you enroll as a D'Perks Member.