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Court Reservations

RVC’s Indoor & Outdoor Racquet Sports Facilities

RVC’s climate-controlled, indoor facilities feature 4 tennis / 8 pickleball courts.

  • The courts were renovated in September 2023 and are in top playing condition.

RVC’s beautiful outdoor facilities feature 4 tennis / 8 pickleball courts.

  • The courts opened in August 2023, have lights for morning and evening play, and feature views that look into the mountains of Vermont. 




Reserving Courts for Open Play

Court reservations are complimentary for RVC members and non-members with a paid day pass.

Court reservations for youths under 16 are available.

  • Each youth must be accompanied by a parent who is a RVC member, or by a non-member parent who has purchased a day pass.

Courts may be reserved in 30-, 60-, and 90-minute blocks, up to two weeks in advance.

  • Advanced reservations are required.
  • All players must check-in at the Front Desk before heading to the courts.

Reservations can be made:


Ball Machine Rental

RVC contract members and RVC racquet sports members may rent a tennis or pickleball machine to fine-tune their strokes. The machines are available in 30-minute, 60-minute, and 90-minute increments.

The tennis ball machine is on indoor court 4. Balls are provided.

The pickleball ball machine is on indoor court 2. Balls are provided.


Policies & Procedures

All players, both members and non-member, need to be in RVC’s reservation system before the time of the reservation. All non-members must be in our computer system before entering the Club. Please contact the Front Desk to set this up. If your guest does not have a credit card on file, you–as the member–will be responsible to cover their fees.

Tennis balls and pickleballs can be purchased inside the FITshop.